Providing guidance, love, and kinship to seriously ill children, their parents, and their siblings as they experience life’s most profound transition— together.
Bittersweet End-of-Life Doula Care™ offers 1:1 grief support, pediatric end-of-life guidance, and resources for you and your children from the comfort of home.
About Me
I am passionate about ensuring better communication and experiences for children and families who are trying to absorb the devastating news that a child is transitioning to hospice or dying.
I’ve had the honor of working with the world’s bravest children- those who have been in treatment for years on end with life-threatening illness. Too often, these courageous children and young adults pass away without a conversation about what happens next.
For their parents and caregivers, who are holding onto hope, it can be too painful or frightening to bring up the subject. Many parents fear that if they acknowledge that their child might die, their child will think they have given up on them. After losing my young daughter to cancer in 2006, and working for 20 years with children facing life-threatening illness, I have learned that most often, children innately know when they are dying- but often keep their thoughts and questions to themselves for fear of upsetting their loved ones. Some children don’t want to discuss what is happening, but for those who do, it can be beneficial to have the support of someone who knows how to help families navigate this most delicate and difficult conversation. When children don’t fear death, this complex time can be transformed from a sad and scary experience to one of profound calm, love, and peace for the dying child.
At Bittersweet™ I provide children and families the opportunity to process and understand life’s most profound transition— together.

Bittersweet™ Services
Grief Support
Losing a child is a deeply devastating and disorienting experience, creating the sensation that we are living in a parallel universe- which can cause a sense of disconnect and loneliness for the bereaved parent. It can be helpful to talk with someone who experienced the loss of a child long ago, and has done the deep work and training to support others as they learn to live with the powerful emotions and seismic life shifts created by an such enormous and profound loss. I adapt my approach to your specific needs, including couples work, and working together to understand and support grieving siblings.
At this time, I offer grief support sessions to bereaved parents through Zoom or phone calls.
Pediatric End-of-Life Doula Care
I understand that this journey is overwhelming, as one comes to terms with the end of life as one knows it. Often there are complex medical decisions that must be made, spiritual and emotional pain, and a host of layered emotions. My job is to help the dying child and their family navigate this intense time with curiosity instead of fear. I hold space for the waves of emotion and intense feelings that arise, allowing you to fully experience the love behind those emotions, and support your child in the process of attaining peace and closure at end-of-life.
“"I want to thank you for all of your help and support. I always think of you as family, which is a great comfort to me, how truly fortunate I am to know you."
— From PW in Connecticut
Together, a book for dying children.
Tenderly written and beautifully illustrated, this unique book helps open up conversations between sick children, their families, caregivers, and medical team- so that no child ever dies with questions left unanswered, or sacred words left unspoken.
Beecher wrote “Together” for families who are coming to terms with the end of life of a beloved child. It’s for the dying child, and for all who love them. “Together” addresses all of the things that children think about as they prepare to let go of living... who will take care of their parents? Will their loved ones be able to feel their presence? Where will their energy go, and will they be remembered?
The book offers children and families the opportunity to process and understand life’s most challenging transition— together.
Let’s get started.
I offer in-person, telephone, and online support services, adapting my approach to your specific needs. Get in touch to schedule your free 30-minute consultation today.